IPMAT 2024 (Indore) Admission Calendar


Tentative Date/ Deadline

IPMAT Application start date

First week of march

IPMAT Application last date

Last week of april

Exam Date


Announcement of Interviews

End of June

Final Announcement of the result

Second week of July

* Source: Official website of IIM Indore.

IPMAT Indore Syllabus

As with any entrance exam, it is essential to have a good preparation strategy in place to be effective. One of the more important details in the IPM Preparation Strategy is the IPMAT Indore Syllabus which is explained in detail below:


Quantitative Ability

Verbal Ability

In total there are 45 questions for 180 marks

In total there are 45 questions for 180 marks

  • Number System
  • Averages & Percentages
  • Roots, Indices, Surds
  • Simple & Compound Interest
  • Profit & Loss
  • Algebraic Formulae
  • Linear & Quadratic Equations
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Partnership
  • Mixtures & Alligations
  • Time, Speed & Distance
  • Work Related Problems
  • Pipes & Cisterns
  • Geometry: Lines, Angles & Triangles,
  • Polygons, Circles & Mensuration
  • Permutations, Combinations, Probability,
  • Determinants
  • Vectors
  • Integration & Differentiation
  • Etymology & Roots
  • Idioms & Phrases
  • Analogies
  • Antonyms-Synonyms
  • Foreign Words
  • Noun & Pronoun Errors
  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Prepositions and Conjunctions
  • Tenses, Modifiers & Parallelism
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Inference based passages
  • Syllogisms
  • Logical Consistency
  • Deductive Reasoning


How to Prepare for IPMAT

Read these valuable tips on how to prepare for IPMAT  and devise the best strategy to score well.

  • Math and Grammar: To prepare for the mathematical part of the test, it is advisable to revise the Math syllabus learned from classes 6 to 12. For grammar, preparations must focus on the syllabus of classes 6 to 10.
  • Increasing the Difficulty Level: As you prepare each topic, start with easy questions and continue to increase the difficulty of the questions to master every concept. For math, learn to do calculations efficiently as it will help you save time and solve questions accurately.
  • Self-study: Devote 1-2 hours daily for your IPMAT Self-study where the focus is on Math, 1-2 RC passages, grammar, and vocabulary. Once a week, give mocks, sectional tests, and topic tests. If you are going to appear for IPMAT Rohtak, also practice solving 1-2 puzzles or LR sets daily, backed by regular topic tests and sectional tests.
  • Giving Mocks Regularly: IPMAT  will test you on both- subject knowledge and time management skills. Writing mock tests will help you manage your time and will also condition you for the final paper. Thus, schedule both IPMAT Indore and IPMAT Rohtak mock tests at least once every 15 days.
  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: The most important step in your preparation is analysis. Ensure that you spend at least 3-4 hours qualitatively analyzing each mock that you do. Reattempt the paper before looking at the solutions. It will help you identify your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
  • Start Preparing Early: You should not wait for your board exams to end before you start preparing for your IPMAT Self Study. Dive into IPMAT preparation earlier to keep a balance between all the exams. Attempt mock tests and sectional tests regularly to keep track of your strategy and know how well you perform against your competitors.

IPMAT (IIM Indore) Exam Pattern

The table mentions all sections, the number of questions in every section, and section-wise weightage per the official announcement for IPMAT Indore pattern.





No of Questions

Quantitative Ability (SA)

40 minutes


15 questions

Quantitative Ability (MCQ)

40 minutes


30 questions

Verbal Ability

40 minutes


45 questions


A total duration of 2 hours will be provided to answer a total of 90 questions distributed across three sections.

Marking scheme

  • Every correct answer carries 4 marks
  • Every incorrect answer carries -1 marks
  • The short-answer questions in the Quantitative Ability (SA) section will not carry any negative marking


IPMAT Indore  Participating Universities

Following are the universities that are accepting IPMAT Indore scores.

  • Alliance University, Bengaluru
  • Department of Management Studies (DoMS), NALSAR University of Law
  • Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)
  • Indian Institute of Management, Indore (IIM Indore)
  • Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi (IIM Ranchi)
  • Institute of Management, Nirma University
  • NICMAR University, Pune

IPMAT Indore Category-wise Cut-offs

IPMAT Indore cut-off indicates the minimum score that a candidate is expected to achieve for getting shortlisted for the further rounds of selection. The selection procedure also includes a Personal Interview.

IPM Indore cut-off:



Quantitative Ability (SA)

Quantitative Ability (MCQ)

Verbal Ability

























IPMAT Indore: Exam Overview

IPMAT Indore was a 2-hour paper consisting of three sections Quantitative Ability (MCQ), Quantitative Ability (Short-Answer type) and Verbal Ability (MCQ). Each question carries 4 marks. For every incorrect answer, there will be a negative marking of 1 mark. The short-answer questions will not carry any negative marking.

IPMAT (IIM Indore) 2023: Exam Analysis

IPMAT 2022 was conducted by IIM-Indore on July 2, 2022. To the surprise of everyone, the test was conducted with a revised structure with no prior information given to candidates.

The paper comprised 90 questions across three sections: Quantitative Ability (MCQ); Quantitative Ability (Short Answers), and Verbal Ability (MCQ). The duration of the exam was 120 minutes, with a sectional time limit of 40 minutes per section.

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